Tuesday, January 22, 2008


LIT 250 Feastesses
Thank you for your participation in the Ghostesses project! Over the coarse of the semester we have been able to obtain quite a collection of poetry and short stories. Sorry to those who did not have the opportunity to participate and would of liked to. We weren't able get the binders through the class fast enough.
We originally had one binder going through the class, but when we realized that it would never make it through the whole class we decided to send two more binders out, and we almost made it.
If you would still like to add a poem or short story you still can. Just send it to us at ghostesses@gmail.com, and we will be more than happy to post it for you. Otherwise, we hope you enjoy the poetry and short stories that have been posted so far.

Gathering Leaves

Version One

I Have a Bird in Spring


The Turkey Shot Out of the Oven

Nativity a Christmas Poem

The Gif of Happiness

It's Time for Spring

Christmas Cheer

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening


Christmas Poetry

A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Atonement Herosim

Atonement Heroism

One by One

When the night is clear enough I can see through heaven’s door

Endless stars like endless sand upon the ocean’s shore

Of all the human lives to breathe,

Or ever what will be

I stand amazed that heaven knows me

ChorusHe heals one by oneLoves one by oneWhen crowded world around youDoesn’t know your nameHe knows usOne by one

When He saw the hungry thousands every person ate

Comforted he aching soul and looked into each face

And when He had a world to save

He had a world of time

To stop and hold a child


He notices it all, the sparrow when he falls

The sheep within His fold

Every person’s grief was borne upon His soul

One at a time He makes us whole


My seminary teacher played this song to us while we were learning about the atonement; I glued it in my scriptures because it means a lot to me. I reminds me of my Savior's love, and what He did for me, and for everyone.

-Rachel Callister

I think a good example for the atonement,even though it is a sotry that we all know and may be a little obvious, is the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15:11-32. hte son leaves after his father gives him his inheritance, and then uses it all and comes home and asks his father to forgive him, while the older son gets angry that the younger brother is getting a party for having been bad. He complains to his father and the father tells him that the son already owns everything he has, he was just excited to have his other son back. This should remind us how much the Lord loves us,even though we make mistakes every day, and that we have the atonement for a reason and that we need to use it.

Submitted by Sibonet Holden

Stephen E. Robinson wrote You Are Pricless The Parable of the Bicycle. It is a very good story which I'm sure many of you have heard before. It is a short childrens story so I hope everyone has the time to read it.

-Annelise McKendrick

“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.” - Christopher Reeves

Short stories by franz kafka tells guys was willing taking couple people who didn't have much little stay.Especially the guy went with out eating any food. When to make these people feel comfortable, make sure there happy. That they were willing to provide entertainment for them playing the volin.

Dallin Saurey

I just watched the movie Pay It Forward, and it is a great example of Heroism and kind of the Atonement as well. A young boy begins something called Pay it Forward for a school project, trying to make the world a better place. If you haven't seen it I don't want to ruin it for you so, just watch it.

Jade Wilson

The Movie: The Chronicles of Narnia is a great example of an atonement made and heroism. the Lion freely sacrifices himself to the witch in order to save his people that he loves. the lion is later "resurrected" and comes back to help his people in the battle angainst the evil witch and reigns victorious in the battle of good vs evil. he died for his people and through the laws and rules he comes back to his people and is forever a hero and a savior to his people.


Submitted by Jeff Tobler

The Purifying Power of Gethsemane

Elder Bruce R. McConkie

This talk given by Bruce R McConkie is one of the best, in my opnion, that covers the atonement of Jesus Christ. The atonment is one of the fundamental topics in our church, yet Elder McConkie ventures to say that almost everybody doesn't completely understand it. It is a thought provoking talk that makes me wonder how much I really know and understand about the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ? There is so much to learn but this article is a good place to start. It definatley worth the time.


Cari Berrett

The Peacegiver: How Christ Offers to Heal our Hearts and Homes by James L. Ferrell contains the theme atonement. In this fictional story, the characters learn more about the atonement than they ever knew. In the story, a husband and wife are having marital problems. As the husband learns more about the significance of the atonement and how to apply it to his life, he starts to understand how important it is to forgive those who have done wrong to us. This book, though fictional, is a truly inspiring story. It teaches us how we can all learn to love those around us and to be Christ-like in all our doings. The story also teaches how important the atonement is and how we must forgive those who have done us wrong. By reading this book, one gains a better understanding of the atonement and how they can apply it to their own lives.


submitted by Melissa Mortensen

A Warn Path is a perfect example of the Atonement. It is a short story of compassion. As the season of Christmas is drawing near we are constantly challenged with how much we can afford to give to others. An old Grandmother named Phoenix makes a long trip regularly to get medicine for her sick grandchild. She makes a great sacrifice as she is at an old age. Along the way she is helped being a poor black women, yet she has no other choice. She then buys her sick grandson a windmill saying he will never believe a thing like that exist. This is a wonderful story of sacrifice and I encourage all to read it


Many times a hero is someone who strives to do what is right and is a great example for so many to follow. The following is a painting and a song that tells of Hercules and when he was at a crossroad and had to choose which road to take. The one road being vice and the other virtue.

“Vice and Virtue represent the two roads which Hercules meets at their crossing. In Prodicus' tale Virtue offered Heracles a steep and stony road to glory and Vice, a smooth and easy road.”

Hercules at the Crossroads(1)

A Drama in Music

2. Recit. (A) Hercules And where, where is the proper road
By which the now implanted drive,
Which virtue, glory, laud and honor love,
To its true purpose I may lead?
Good sense, good wit and light
To hunt for all of this are eager.
Ye slender crossways,
(2) could ye not
Advice or guidance offer?

3. Aria (S) Vice Slumber, my darling, and tend to thy rest,
Follow the call of thy thoughts' ardent pleasure. Passion now taste
Of thy wanton breast
And pay homage none to measure.

4. Recit. (S, T) Vice, Virtue (Vice)
Come! Follow this my road,
Where I thee free of weight and force
With gentle footsteps shall be leading.
Already charm doth take the lead
And roses in thy path is spreading.
Do not delay! This is the easy course,
A pleasure for thy choosing! (Virtue)
Where to, my Hercules, where bent?
Thou wilt the proper path be losing!
Through virtue, work and toil
Exalted is a fine intent. (Vice)
Who would prefer sweat's moil
Who in soft easiness
And frolicsome contentedness
Could gain himself his true salvation? (Virtue)
That is, corrupt his true salvation!

The above was only a portion of the song, for the full song go to this website. http://www.uvm.edu/~classics/faculty/bach/BWV213.html

Hercules is the hero in this tale because he chose to follow Virtue even though it would be the harder road with many hills and rocks in the way. Later in the song after Hercules chooses virtue, virtue promises to lift him up through the hard times and help ease his burden. Even though the road would be hard the reward would be worth it. This is just what the savior did for each of us and as we follow him we will be on the rockier terrain with many trials, but he promises to be there and help us. The best part is that the reward when it is all done is worth it.

--Mike & Amber Preston

For a little fun the following is website we found that shows some of the cartoon hero's and what happened to them in their lives. http://www.mythweb.com/heroes/heroes.html. The first page it comes to is interesting because it tells of the heroes in the myths and how they messed up in their lives and in today's standards probably wouldn't pass as heroes. But knowing them today helps one understand pop culture and literature.

-- Mike & Amber Preston

One more thing that we came across in our research was this video a 14 year-old girl put together about the troops serving in Iraq. Her message is simple and that is for us to remember the soldiers fighting and the need to show them our love and support. So many Heroes today risk their lives for so many and often times we find that we forget to support them in their efforts.


--Mike & Amber Preston

To me, some of the greatest doctrines of atonement and heroism are obedience and sacrifice. Here are three books that help married partners (and those who are single) see the need for atonement and heroism in marriage: "Leadership and Self-deception," "The Anatomy of Peace," and "The Five Love Languages."

"Leadership and Self-deception" helps you see a new perspective--one that you may have been missing because of the traditions of the world and your own desires. Once you see the new perspective it is fun to take new action (although still difficult). "The Anatomy of Peace" takes a deeper perspective on realizing that we, each, need to change not others. We are so good at focusing on someone else's need to change, so we do not change ourselves. Finally, "The Five Love Languages" helps us realize that our egotistically focus doesn't mean that everyone else is like us and that they have other needs. Any of the three will change your relationships. Happy reading.

The Three Gifts is a great book. It speaks of Love, Heroism, and Atonement. It's something I'd recommend to everyone out there. I read it and loved it. If you're looking for Christmas presents

for people- this is a great suggestion. http://www.darishoward.com/ submitted by Aaron Olsen

The Parable of the Push Ups

This parable clearly demonstrates many principles of the atonement. I think that we can each understand the atonement better when we see examples of it in our lives. The storycan be found at the link below:


Celeste Olsen

In his talk, "Thee Atonement is not Just for Sinners," Elder Bruce C. Hafen says-

I believe there is in the Church today a compelling need for us to teach and understand the Atonement more fully than we do. Our need arises both from the erroneous perceptions of outsiders about our teachings and from our own sometimes narrow view about the reach of the Atonement in our lives.

I couldn't post the link to the talk, but hopefully this excerpt gives you some idea of what he's talking about.


Okay, so as you all know, I really love music, so it really gets me excited when I find a song that relates perfectly to a topic we've discussed in class. :) This time I not only found a song, but a sweet poem as well. Hope you guys will be able to find as much peace and happiness in them as I do!

First, the song below is called: Why do you love me? it's by a mormon boy band called Jericho Road, and there one of my favourites! Here are the lyrics since I couldn't find any music videos onYoutube this time....xD

Jericho Road - Why Do You Love Me

You teach me lessons that I never seem to learn
You build another bridge for every one I burn
You believe in me
Far beyond my limitations
It's hard to live up to the faith you have in me
Your patience sees the person I could never be
And says that's who I am
In spite of all I've been
Even though you know what's in my heart

Why do you love me? Why are you here?
When I don't give you a reason to even want to care
Why do you suffer my private pain?
I can't believe the things you've seen me through
Why do you love me like you do?

When I can't see beyond the shadows of my past
When all my treasured dreams are slipping from my grasp
You restore my hope
Far beyond my expectations
You are a warrior to the demons at my door
When I am not enough then you're a little more
An answer to a prayer
When no one else is there
A hero in my deepest hour of need

Why do you love me? Why are you here?
When I don't give you a reason to even want to care
Why do you suffer my private pain
I can't believe the selflessness of you
Why do you love me like you do?
I can't believe the things you've seen me through
Why do you love me like you do?

Next is a Poem called Legend of a Sand-dollar:

























This is one of my favourite poems, espeically being a San Diego girl. :) We get lots of Sand dollars along the beach, and they help to remind me of what our Savior did for us.

A Prayer

Dear Lord,

I have been hurt in the past,

My soul has been damaged,

And i have lost the strength that i once had

I have been lost

knocked off the straight and narrow path

and lost the grip of the iron rod.

My ways have fallen

but not completely

I am scared, a frightened child

afriad to face the world alone

afraid to be hurt and rejected

afraid of society and me

afraid to break free

Dear Lord,

can you heal my brocked heart

adn the wounds of my soul

can you help me regain my strength

to its full potential?

Have I found you?

or that straight and narrow path?

has my hand re-gripped the iron rod?

will i come back to my ways?

would you stand by my side

to help me through my frears?

will you lead the way

break my wall day by day?


Will you continue to guide me,

and continue to love me

Will you forgive all my sins

will you stay by my side?

Heavenly Father?

Will I return to thee

will i be in your presence

Once again?

will I come home?

There are two songs I want to share but they are on my computer and I don't know how to load them up on here. My friends family introduce this series to me. They come from the Liken the Scriptures series. The movie is David and Goliath. when David is summoned to play his harp for the king he sings about the Lord being his shepard and how he will not go with out. Later when king saul is getting ready to war king saul and David sings:

King Saul:"The lord was once my shepard to but i some how left the fold, i used to feel that fire with in but time has made me cold, it seem like i've had every thing but, the sliver and the gold are worthless when you loose sight of your goals, I used to be like you are now, so innocent and sure, and i can still remember how it felt to be so pure, I know it seems hard to believe the changes I've been through, but I usd to be like you."

David: "You must know our shepard alway welcome back the lost, its never quite to late to let him melt away the frost, whenever we return to him he offers an embrace and looks upon us with a loving face, we all have made mistakes, and everyones heart achs, he will see you through for he knows what you can do."

Danielle RowLee